In Volusia County

Business shines brighter here. Orlando, Melbourne and Jacksonville are neighbors of the Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach metro area, putting Volusia County at the epicenter of one of the hottest business environments in Central Florida. It is home to some amazing organizations, NASCAR, DuvaSawko, Teledyne Oil & Gas, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Company, TopBuild, Brown & Brown and many others. They find the business climate exceptional for Volusia County economic development, as is the quality of life. So, for the whole story, explore our website.

Our Communities
Best state for
Workforce training
Top ranked tax
Climate in the u.s.
Most populated
State in the nation
What Business Leaders Are Saying
Invest In The Volusia Of Tomorrow

Nearly 100 companies organizations and local governments invest in Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation. They do so because they believe in targeted, strategic Volusia County economic development to attract new employers and the jobs and capital investment they bring. Team Volusia works in partnership with Volusia County Government, the CEO Business Alliance and area chambers of commerce and local economic development practitioners.

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